Working in video game development is exciting and collaborative, filled with passionate individuals who love games. The industry is fast-paced, creative, and dynamic, and job roles are diverse. At the bottom of this page we have included some examples of different roles in gaming development. Think about what kinds of things you enjoy doing, and what you are good at to help you decide on a direction.

Once you've chosen your what kind of gaming job you would like to aim for, it's time to develop the necessary skills. This may involve formal education, online courses, self-study, or a combination of these.

Some other ideas to get you started:

  • Build a portfolio. It should showcase your skills and creativity. Create personal projects, participate in game jams, or contribute to open-source games. Include a variety of projects that demonstrate your versatility and expertise.

  • Network within the industry. Attend gaming conventions, conferences, and local meetups. Join online forums, communities, and social media groups related to game development. Building relationships with industry professionals can open doors to job opportunities and provide valuable insights.

  • Stay current and adapt. The video game industry is constantly evolving. Stay updated on the latest trends, technologies, and game development tools. Adaptability and a willingness to learn new skills will make you a more valuable candidate.

young people working in video game development

Jobs in Gaming

The video game industry is vast and diverse, there are a variety of different job roles and career specialisations. Start by identifying your interests, strengths, and skills. Are you passionate about storytelling, game mechanics, or visual arts? Knowing your strengths and interests will help you narrow down your career path within the industry.

Here is a list of some of the most common job roles in video game development:

  • Game Designer: Game designers are responsible for conceptualizing and creating the gameplay, mechanics, and overall structure of a game. They design levels, characters, and interactions to ensure an engaging player experience.

  • Game Programmer/Developer: Game programmers write the code that brings the game to life. They work on everything from gameplay mechanics to graphics and AI.

  • Game Artist: Game artists create the visual elements of a game, including characters, environments, objects, and animations.

  • Game Writer/Scriptwriter: Game writers develop the game's narrative, dialogues, and story arcs.

  • Game Producer/Project Manager: Game producers oversee the development process, manage schedules, budgets, and teams, and ensure that the game meets its goals and deadlines.

Some other roles in gaming include quality assurance testers, sound designers, level designers, UI/UX designers, and monetisation specialists.

These are just a few examples of the diverse career options within the video game development industry. Each role plays a crucial part in bringing a game from concept to completion, and many professionals work collaboratively in teams to create immersive and enjoyable gaming experiences.

matthew is a game developer
It's okay to start something new and feel a bit overwhelmed
Matthew - Game Developer